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Cape Clawless Otter

Cape Clawless Otters, captured by means of a camera trap

Freshwater systems are of great benefit and necessity to a diversity of animals, and are of utmost importance when it comes to a functioning ecosystem. These magnificent water bodies accommodate a variety of curious creatures, whether they be crustaceans crawling about in the sands and rocks, fish swimming from stream to stream, birds swooping in for a nice bath or meal, or even the desiring antelope seeking to quench its thirst.

Crab remains on rocks close to otter nest

Among these interesting fascinations the perennial rivers are also home to a more curious mammal; the Cape Clawless Otter. These otters are primarily aquatic and prefer the shallow waters with thick vegetation that normally provide shelter to several of their favourite prey such as crabs and fish.

These interesting otters can often be found scavenging around streams and watercourses, with signs of their presence, such as spraints (faeces) and nests, being detected on the rocks along the stream courses.

Otter spraints (faeces) on rocks

These shy animals are easily scared off by the presence of humans, and disturbances often cause them to relocate their area of occupancy, making them difficult to see.

(The black and white photos of the otters in this article were captured by a "camera trap" placed so as not to disturb the creatures, but also to prove their presence as part of a research project at Ezemvelo Nature Reserve in Mpumalanga)

When on land these Cape Clawless Otters, scientifically known as Aonyx capensis, take shelter in underground burrows, or under rocks, roots or dense vegetation.

Their burrow normally has a nest that is made of grass or other vegetation.

They are known to be solitary animals, but occasionally groups made up of about 4 otters consisting of two adults and two younger ones, and sometimes larger groups of 6 otter are formed to forage. These mammals are active mainly during dusk and early evenings and sometimes at dawn. During the day they sleep in their burrows. When they are awake the otters will spend their time swimming, playing and foraging.

These large otters, weighing up to 23kg and with a body length reaching 160 cm, are carnivorous mammals. The males are heavier than the females. Majority of the hunting is done in shallow waters of about 1.5 m in depth. The otters submerge their heads in search of a favourable fish and feel under rocks to grab a sizable crab. They can dive for up to 30 seconds to catch their preferred target.

Did you know? Occasionally some birds are also found to be a nice diet for otters. Straight after eating, Cape Clawless Otters clean their faces with their forefeet. The population of these shy otters are reasonably stable and widely distributed. However the IUCN Red List of Threatened species has them jotted down as Near Threatened, because of continuous development threatening their habitats.

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